Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sleeping with the Seven Ghosts…. A Journey Through the Realms of Realities

Since I was a young girl sleep has always been a journey to the unknown. Caught between realties of this world and the next, I often wondered in which one was I sleeping and which one was I awake. Stories of dreams intertwined with my waking life with abstractions that floated in my subconscious carving deeper into a much more limitless potential of reality. This made it sometimes hard to relate in the everyday experience with family and peers, but the most challenging experience that I faced since I was young until really the end of 2010, was my connection to the spirit world.

This culture is quite obsessed with the “knowing” leaving the fragments of the “unknown” to be feared of. We can’t make out what or who that being in the dark may be, and so, a creative mind naturally fabricates a reality, anything to latch the unknown with something it can relate to. “When will the mystery end?” we ask ourself, as our mind pounds with all the assumptions that are probably not true. This is an insanity that many of us live with on myriad levels. From gossiping and misunderstandings to the thin veil of dreamality, the obsession with needing to have an answer even if we have to make it up, drives many of us into our own hell. How many of us remember the Boogie man, Bloody Mary or the monster in the closet? Hasn’t this all been because we haven’t been taught since our youth to be comfortable with the unknown as just part of life? To be comfortable with the unknown is a simple way of saying how I was able to deal with my nightmares, night terrors frequent paralyzing ghost visits and all that bizarre stuff, but why was this happening and on what levels was I most susceptible to being in frequency with this kind of reality.

My night paralysis started to take on its heaviest effects on me right after I gave birth to my son. I was obviously low energy, had a completely natural birth that lasted 33 painfully beautiful, but painful hours and I was living in a not so fabulous neighborhood where the first four months since living there two homicides and burglaries happened only within a two block radius from my house. And did I mention undertones of constant paranoia I and others had to face with by us living here, but there was cute hardwood floor, cute oldschool craftman moldings and a really sweet bathrooms that I just couldn’t pass up, (deep breath… I know)

As I started practicing Feng Shui there are two types of calculations using compass readings and numerology that determine the auspicious/ inauspicious areas of a given space and how you are affected by them. One called the Lo Shu portents defines the relative qualities of the interior space and the other called the Ming Gua determines how compatible a space is to its owner. There are areas that are good for relationships, prosperity, clear thinking and healing and others that are better to spend the least amount of time in. I discovered I was sleeping in the area that should be most avoided. According to my Ming Gua I found out that my house and I did not match. In our Ming Guas We have 4 cardinal directions and 4 intercardinal directions and each one of those directions holds an energetic personality that affects humans in different ways. 4 of those directions are said to bring more Auspicious outcomes and the other 4 are considered to bring about less auspicious outcomes. Ideally we want to match our Auspicious directions with our houses. In my case, my Aileen Street house and I, so did not. So then now, what’s a girl to do?

Before making any adjustments based on compass calculations we must first look at the form. Form school is another branch of Feng Shui that examines our physical surroundings on a symbolic level based on yin yang and 5 element theories. First of all I was living in an environment that did not support me in a positive way, due to the fact that I was constantly paranoid and scared of my neighbors, that is a clear signal why my sleep may have been that way. This is also called Predecessor Qi – an energy in a space that has been there before you, such as living on a burial ground or in a space where someone had died or fought a lot. This all affects the space and needs a proper Space Clearing before one inhabits a space. I was living in an area with some Heavy ass energy too thick for me to clear. Second of all, I was sleeping underneath a window…. During the fall/winter months! That is a big Feng SHui no no. So obviously I moved my bed from under the windows and that helped a lot. When I was sleeping under the window, I heard voices in my sleep that weren’t there when I awoke and was frequently violently paralyzed at night to the point of not being able to breathe as I was visited by ghosts and lost souls asking for help. I realized the only way I was able to sleep was if I did a space clearing everynight before went to bed. I got the sage out, cracked the windows, lit a candle and said my prayers, cutting off cords and old agreements that I unconsciously made through the power of fear and the unknown. I also saw a Filipino Shaman who gave me this long piece of bark that was from a tree in the Philippines where he performed his rights of passage as a shaman. I used it every night as my sword, I even cut off a head of a ghosts with that tool. But seriously though I felt like it was becoming too much for me.

And now the compass reading comes in to the rescue. I found out I was sleeping in the seven ghosts sector so I switched rooms, but the room I switched too was on the corner of the street, not so ideal, but my sleep improved about 80%.

Feng Shui has helped me through my intense night paralysis and I still use it in my daily life to help me figure out good directions for studying and a good place to have relationship conversations.
I just wanted to share with you all some of my experiences, knowing that some have experienced similar stuff as this and more..And so I learned whats most import is giving respect to the energy that has lived there before and knowing when its time to stay away also takes learning through experience.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Feng Shui Basics for Sacred Living

What is Feng Shui:

Feng Shui is the art of observing the energy of the land through its patterns of movement and stillness. By understanding the flow of the land we can learn how to live by watching the wind (feng) and water (shui). The goal is to balance the elements and harmonize yin and yang so that we can navigate our lives through the ups and downs of the cycles of change.

The founding principles for a feng shui consultant is rooted within the original name of feng shui - “kan yu” which translates as Heaven/Earth. Feng shui describes exactly that, bringing in heavenly energy down to earth so that humans may live in harmony with their surroundings, mitigate negate energy or sha and bring in life affirming energy sheng. This can be done by using the founding principles of feng shui which are broken down to two schools: form and compass. Form school is based on knowledge of the 5 Elements or “Wu Xi” and “yin and yang” theories. It utilizes more of the intuitive heart-mind where the student must work with the energies she or he can sense on the physical or subtle energy levels. Compass School uses various techniques of measurement and calculation to create maps of unseen energetic forces at play in an environment. Much like an acupuncturist, the feng shui practitioner follows maps of invisible energy to determine the cures that will bring about balance and flow.

 Kan Yu
 feng shui compass

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dance of the 5 Movements


Activating Elemental Awareness
Within our Everyday Life

5 Movements also known as the 5 Elements, 5 Energies or WuXing, is a system rooted from Taoist Cosmology. The literal translation in ancient texts of the 5 elements is “five elements go.” I prefer to describe them as “Movements” because it describes the energetic personality of the fluid transition of Change itself. It can not be limited to the literal definition of the elements as we see them, but rather a poetic expressions of its  personality

The 5 movements or 5 elements consist of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water with three cycles that explain their relationship. Each Element contains a shape, color, personality, time of day, direction, season, age, emotion, taste, an organ, even pieces of furniture, architecture, art or articles of clothing can fall in the 5 elements category, with endless possibilities, that can go on and on. The three cycles consist of a nourishing, controlling, and creation cycles which all exist simultaneously and interdependently of each other. The possibilities are endless and found in all things and broken down, the 5 movements can be seen as follows.

Wood is rectangular in shape, and wears the color green. Similar to the energy of a tree or vine, Wood expands upwards with a creative personality. Wood’s time is early morning and is found in the east thus, making the sunrise its time of day when the earth is fresh and filled with possibilities waiting to be fulfilled. The season of spring, brings forth ultimate Wood energy in its peak. Here, we can find new growth and the dance of flowers and hummingbirds caught in their dizzy spell of Woods creative power. The youthful energy of Wood is also linked with that of a child with emotions of laughter, innocence, and a sense of newness. When unbalanced though, Wood’s emotions can show through anger or impatience. The taste of wood is sour and within our body, wood is associated with the gallbladder and liver. Though Wood is great for bringing new ideas and a fresh outlook in life, too much may cause indesciveness and even confusion. If wood is in lack one can add its mother Water, to feed its roots, nourish it and keep it strong, but if wood becomes out of control, Its father Metal can come to save the day, if too much wood is present one can create fire, its child to drain the over abundance of it.

Fire is triangular in shape and wears the color red and violet. Similar to the energy of fire, spreading and activating through transformation. Fire is the doer, that transmits Wood’s creativity into form. Fire’s time is noon when the sun is bright and full in its power. The season of summer is when Fire is in its peak, full of energy, similar to the age of a youth in their prime. Like the energy of the youth, Fire’s emotions is linked with extreme joy, overflowing and unpretentious. The taste of Fire is bitter like coffee and can also show in the form of smoke. Within our body Fire is associated with Heart and Triple Heater (small intestines). If too powerful, it can sometimes be reckless and uncontrollable when not tamed. If fire is in lack one can add its mother Wood which feeds Fire’s flame to grow and expand, but if Fire becomes out of control, its Father, Water may come to put out its flames, and if too much fire is present one can create Earth elements to drain the excess.

Earth is square in shape and wears earth colors of browns and yellow. Earth is the center of all the elements and is within all the seasons, and so, some may picture the earth as a circle, but the square shape of Earth is linked with the four cardinal directions; south, west, north and east. It is from the center where we find balance and that is the nature of Earth; balance, grounded and stable. Earth’s steady demeanor balances out Fire’s need to always go. It has no specific season, because it is within all seasons. Earth’s age is linked to the middle years of ones life, when people have settled in themselves, and a time when people may decide to have children.

Metal is circle in shape and wears white or metallic colors. Metal is the element found in the west and just like the setting sun and the equinox metal is the transition from the yang months weaning to autumn. Refined and condense metal takes on the shape of things that are circular. It also is symbolic to the nature of a sword, that which severs habits that we may no longer need. It is a powerful element within the transition of change, reflective of how the hard earth creates crystals through its refining process, for it’s the refining quality of metal that removes impurities in preparation for the next stage of existence. Just like the energy of the archangel Michael, holding the sword of purification, metal is the master eliminator of the elements. Metal’s age is linked to our later years, a time where we retire and turn “in” to our roles as wise elders, like those who have been through the fire of life learned the wisdom through experience. Metal is the energy of guidance, decision making and the process of returning to purity.

Water, the first landscape humans have inhabited since being within the womb of its mother. So fluid in form, water contains no shape yet is like all shapes, as she moves effortlessly in her expression. Water is the element found In the North and just like the midnight sky, her personality is that of mystery, vastness and expansion with a countless depth. Her celestial animal is the Black Tortoise who protects us from harm by creating stability. Water is the most yin of all the elements and wears the colors of black and dark blue. It is akin to winter and dark nights, a time when we find ourselves reflecting inwards instead of pouring outwards. The power of the goddess lies within her ability to reserve her essence, while nurturing others collecting her power through mediation and practicing the art of Allowance, Acceptance and Transformation.

The 5 Movements pervade our holistic blueprint of earth as we know it, playing a holistic part of what we experience within this human realm. We are intrinsically participating in an energetic dance whether we are aware of it or not, where all things are affected by each other. Just like a cycle, or clock of time where each element is part of the other’s development. The 5 movements live in a harmonious balance where one gives life to another depleting one’s energy while in turn receiving nourishment from another and to another, thus nothing is lost and scales remain equal. They play the roles of mother and child just as we do, a mother gives when a child is in need of food, but when the child is out of hand and the mother is depleted of all her energy the father may come and create balance through discipline, thus supporting the unit. This is exactly how the 5 Movements work, through a non empirical foundation of balance. The 5 Movements contain a micro and macrocosm relationship found in nature, within the plant and animal kingdom, the cycles of time and the seasons and within the interdisciplinary arts of dance, music, interior design and of course, Feng Shui.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Consultations and Services

I offer a free 15 min Consultation either in person or over the phone which allows us to meet and talk about key issues you would like to address, I then offer a few professional opinions based on what I hear.

I request to all my clients that the evaluation letter be sent back to me 48 hours before the consultation. This is because I have to prepare vital information before I see you, consisting of Locating Personal and Site’s Auspicious and Inauspicious Directions, Site and Location analysis as well as Chinese Astrology readings for you and other people living with you that you would like for me to include in the report. I then type up a report approx. 10 pages long. This Report in addition to a second meeting will give you all you need to know to make these adjustments on your own schedule. It will bring up key issues of concern for you, how to recognize healthy or unhealthy patterns in your life and how to be proactive and creative with dealing with them.

Consultation Program:

Initial Consultation Packet:

Form solutions:
Feng Shui, Interior Design and Sustainability based solutions using yin yang and five element theory cures
Circulation and Flow Analysis
BaZhai and Ming Gua:
 Finding your personal directions as well as the home's auspicious and inauspicious directions,
Astro Geomancy: Packet 1
Landscape Analysis, includes analysis of form and spirit of land
Dowsing for EMF’s and Geopathic Stress lines
Other Features at additional Costs:
Astro Geomancy: Packet 2:
 Plot Analysis
 In Depth Dowsing and Pendulum readings level two (including geopathic stress)
Earth Healing
 Blessing Rituals

Ba Zi; Four Pillars
Usually a 2 page report which locates personal traits, tendancies, relationship perspectives and destiny calculations
A very important system based on Taoist Metaphysics and Cosmology. Used extensively by Feng Shui experts in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Four Pillars is an ancient system that reveals aspects of destiny, constitutional dynamics, and beneficial elements.
Four pillars is an ancient system of constructing a Horoscope based on the "Heavenly Stems" and "Earthly Branches" at the hour, day, month and year of birth.  Interpretation is the result of examining the manner in which the elements and animal archetypes contained in the charts interact with aspects within the chart as well as conditions in the world

Flying Star :
Flying Star Feng Shui is the most dynamic and accurate technique and is comparable to astrology for buildings.
The Universe is ever changing and natural influences evolve with the passage of time. Flying Star Feng Shui incorporates the elements of time and space. It will enable you to trace the pattern of change through the 20 year periods called "ages". It makes it possible to access the fortune of a dwelling. With practice, one can learn how to unblock energies that affect the aspects of prosperity and health in a dwelling.
The Luopan Compass is the essential tool in Classical Feng Shui.   Its many rings reveal vital information in assessing a dwelling or building site and contain a large body of knowledge that encompasses classical Chinese philosophy, numerology and cosmology.   The Chinese Luopan can take a very long time to master since it requires prior learning of the Chinese characters.   The Western Luopan simplifies the process and makes it easier for the western student to learn and use.
Art Therapy:
I have created Art work  based on Feng shui cures. I have them for sale in prints so they can be easily accessible to my clients. Portfolio Work will be provided for those who are interested.  Prices Vary
Creative Paint Play: 
Here my clients get their hands in the paint, as we paint walls in their home based on feng shui cures.  I brainstorm with you on Mural Ideas based on five elements and sacred geometry principles
For examples of my work please visit my Blog at under “Art Therapy” post

How to Space Clear your home, the reflection of our minds

The steps to space clearing is simple. All you need is the right tools and have positive intentions for what you see for your home.  Start out with a prayer or vision of how you see your ideal home, the smell, the feeling of the floor underneath your feet, even how you feel when you enter and leave your home. These visions are great to keep in mind while cleaning out unnecessary things in your life.
     Many reasons why people choose to do space clearing is too to clear out predecessor chi; negative energy that was present either before or during entering a space. Also space clearing can be done to clear unwanted entities that have made themselves comfortable in your home such as ghosts or other paranormal activities that are present which may cause negativity in the form of sleep paralysis, for example.
Another reason why people do space clearing is because our homes are a reflection of our inner thoughts, and to have clarity in mind we must first look at our surroundings because it is our environment which shape our thoughts. So, to have a clean and sacred home is to honor the divine within us as well. Space clearing, to me is giving appreciation for our homes, which house our bodies that house our souls. When we space clear our physical surroundings we also space clear our emotional and spiritual bodies.
     Space clearing is usually followed after one has done a full cleaning of a space using salt, sound clearing such as clapping, drumming or singing and then finally smudging, which is the use of burning a sage plant, incense or scented smoke of your choice.  The procedure is as follows:

1.      It is a good habit to clean our bodies before we do a space clearing so that we can approach our home with fresh energy.  Also, being barefoot is encouraged, so that we can feel the floor underneath us and measure the level of cleaning to be done, but if you are lifting and moving heavy pieces of furniture use your best judgement, wearing shoes is okay of course.
2.      Then, start by getting rid of unused clutter, either by recycling or donating.
3.      Free space behind all doors for good flow, making sure even underneath the beds are clean, and if they happen to have storage, make sure that it is well kept and organized. Go through cabinets and drawers and sort out what you do not need. Always check in with yourself, if you are having a hard time to let go of something, see if you have used it within the last year, if not, then chuck it and if it is sentimental would it be special enough for you to display every day or to place in an alter?  If not, you can probably do without it.
4.      Make sure that the entrance to any doors have good clearance, minimize overly stuffed coats on the coat hangers as well as shoes by the door, to a neat and welcoming landing.
5.      Start at the entrance of you door, then in a clock wise motion, start by wiping the walls, then the floor with water and sea salt. Sea salt is a great element for drawing out stagnant energy and purifying it.
6.      Then, use sound to awaken and free any other stagnant energy hidden in corners of walls. You start again at the front door and go around your house in a clockwise motion using sound. When you approach a corner, start by sending sound from the bottom of the floor all the way up towards the corners of the ceiling, then when finished continue around the room.
7.      Once this is done use a scented smoke of your choice and first smudge around your entire body, then walk around your space starting at the front door and circling in a clockwise motion. Remember to keep a window or door cracked for ventilation. I prefer to use white sage because of its clean burning smell, also frankincense and myrrh rocks heated over coal is another very powerful tool I recommend.
8.      After your done, I always like to take a bath and wash up afterwards as well.

As far as gracefully letting go of things, a friend told me a story of the time she had to move and had to face all her stuff from her past hidden in old boxes and stuffed back behind closets. She found an old bracelet her father gave to her for her birthday before he passed away on her fifth birthday. There was a feeling of obligation due to sentiment to keep it, but she did not want to display it on an alter, or keep it hidden in a drawer collecting dust and forgetting about it. Instead of hiding it away, she did a little ceremony of burying the bracelet in her garden sending a prayer for her father and any feelings of sadness, mourning or guilt to the earth to be purified. In that way, she let go of an item gracefully and with honor for her father. If you ever find it hard to let go of things with deep sentimental value, but know it is not serving you in the present, don’t feel guilty about it, instead do what you feel is best to gracefully let go of  material belongings into the earth, and celebrate the feeling of being lighter.
Its also important to note, to go easy on yourself, don’t push yourself to hard to get it all cleaned at once. Start room by room, day by day until its done. I tend to prefer doing space clearings during the new moon
I hope these steps make a difference in your home. I have been doing space clearing to help me with insomnia as well as help in organizing my life. I have followed these very steps for over 5 years, and have even done space clearings several times a week in my room. Since doing so, I feel so much more comfortable in my home, while creating a sacred space for myself and my family. There really is no limit for how many times you can do it, but I do feel that if you have never done a space clearing before, it is a wonderful way to bless your home and establish your presence there and with our environment.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Letter of Introduction

As many of you know I have been formally studying Feng Shui for the past two years at the Golden Gate School of Feng-Shui in California.
In that program I’ve been studying the ancient art of Feng-Shui and how it can help individuals and businesses bring more harmony and balance into their environments and lives. I have also integrated as part of my practice my training in Interior Design from the Art Institute of California-San Francisco as well as my freelance painting skills I have developed over the last 8 years.
My main focus is to help people that may be experiencing difficulties in communicating with loved ones, issues in finding new friendships or relationships, problems with dealing with chronic pain or sleep issues, financial troubles, stress from preparing for a new birth as well as sleep issues from new parents or babies, overly cluttered homes or offices and those with a desire to live in a more beautiful and sacred space. I have been trained to support you in making simple and effective changes that can help you reach your goals quickly and effectively.
As I’m building my practice I’d like to offer you a taste of what I do in the form of a consultation. During the consultation we will focus on key issues of concern, emphasizing the main areas in your life you would like to see some improvement, next I will take a walk through your home or business and offer recommendations based on Feng-Shui, Interior and Sustainable Design principles. If necessary, I also do Space Clearings and use Talismans Art Pieces as part of balancing and bringing in more positive energy. For more detailed readings of a space, I offer Site Analysis which consists of reading the energy of the land, finding geo-pathic stress lines that may cause negative effects in a living environment, locating auspicious power points in the land and how to connect you to them, I also use Chinese Astrology to analyze one’s relationship to their environment and interrelationships. I then offer cures based on the findings of my results.

I am offering these consultations at an extremely low introductory rate, that everyone can afford, while I am still doing my training. If you are interested in setting one up, please call me at 415-810-1214 or email me at I have attached extra business cards for you to pass on to any friends who may be interested in my services. Please spread the word.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Monica Santos

PS Please visit my website to get a closer look at what I do at:

Also please check out this link if you want to know where I studied: